From Tokyo with Beats: A Unique Blend of JPOP and City Pop

From Tokyo with Beats: A Unique Blend of JPOP and City Pop

Japanese music has been captivating audiences worldwide. As a DJ who has immersed himself in this vibrant scene, I am thrilled to introduce my latest mix, which brings together the best of JPOP, Japanese city pop, and hidden gems. This mix is a musical journey intricately woven to create a seamless flow of beats and includes exclusive original tracks from my unit, “Rehabilitation.” Let me introduce you to the details and unique characteristics of this mix.

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00. Rehabilitation / intro
01. Rickie-G / MIROKU ~祇園 mix feat. 韻シスト, 鎮座DOPENESS, CHOZEN LEE & AFRA
02. 藤井 風 / Workin’ Hard
03. Rehabilitation / 港のギター弾き
04. imase / ヒロイン
05. パスピエ / スピカ
06. I’ll be there / 上白石萌音
07. ビッケブランカ / 白熊
08. Omoinotake / 惑星
10. BIN / melt
11. milet / Hey Song
12. the brilliant green / そのスピードで
13. スピッツ / 若葉
14. YUKI / ポストに声を投げ入れて
15. 森七菜 / 深海
16. 槇原敬之 / 遠く遠く(jungle edit)
17. リーガルリリー / たたかわないらいおん
18. Maison book girl / ノーワンダーランド
19. Aiobahn / non-reflection feat. 牧野由依
20. Reol / Q?
21. 津島善子 (CV.小林愛香) from Aqours / タテホコツバサ
24. YOASOBI / あの夢をなぞって
25. sumika / 晩春風花
26. EVISBEATS / ゆれる feat. 田我流
27. 東京事変 / 群青日和
28. 乃木坂46 / ジャンピングジョーカーフラッシュ
29. hide / Beauty&Stupid (TOKYO SKA VERSION) (feat. 東京スカパラダイスオーケストラ)
30. ポルカドットスティングレイ / リドー
31. UNISON SQUARE GARDEN / スロウカーヴは打てない (that made me crazy)
32. throwcurve / 連れてって
33. フジファブリック / 虹
34. 赤い公園 / オレンジ
35. 星街すいせい / Stellar Stellar
36. 鹿あるく & sumeshiii a.k.a.バーチャルお寿司 / 青藍 (feat. アラン)

The Essence of the Mix:

Seamless Beat Transitions:
Each track in this mix is meticulously curated and seamlessly blended. The beats are interwoven with precision, ensuring a smooth listening experience that keeps the energy flowing.

Dynamic BPM:
The mix alternates between BPMs of 90 and 180, adding a dynamic range that creates a sense of movement and excitement. This variation brings a refreshing change of pace, keeping listeners engaged from start to finish.

Original Tracks by Rehabilitation:
Featuring exclusive, unreleased tracks from my unit, Rehabilitation, this mix introduces a unique flavor that sets it apart. These original pieces add a personal touch and showcase my creative journey.

Rich Diversity of Artists and Styles:
The mix includes a variety of artists, from the soulful sounds of Fujii Kaze and the electronic beats of YOASOBI to the rock vibes of BUMP OF CHICKEN and the soothing melodies of spitz. This eclectic selection represents the diverse and rich landscape of Japanese music.

JPOP and City Pop Influence:
With the growing global popularity of JPOP and Japanese city pop, this mix embraces these genres, blending them with modern sounds and timeless classics. It’s a celebration of the past and present of Japanese music, resonating with both long-time fans and new listeners alike.

This DJ mix is a labor of love, crafted with passion and dedication to share the beauty of Japanese music with the world. Whether you’re a fan of JPOP, city pop, or just discovering these genres, I hope this mix brings you as much joy as it brought me in creating it. Enjoy the journey through sound, and let the music take you to new heights.

This DJ mix is a labor of love, crafted with passion and dedication to share the beauty of Japanese music with the world. Whether you’re a fan of JPOP, city pop, or just discovering these genres, I hope this mix brings you as much joy as it brought me in creating it. Enjoy the journey through sound, and let the music take you to new heights.

