To Wear or Not to Wear a Mask

To Wear or Not to Wear a Mask

track jacket masked maid

In these times, various discussions were taking place within the mansion. In particular, there was a heated exchange of opinions regarding whether the maids should wear masks or not. Some argued that wearing masks would give the customers a sense of security. On the other hand, there was a strong opinion that hiding the maids’ smiles could have a negative impact on the customers’ mood.

Due to this issue, the atmosphere within the mansion was a bit unsettled, but even so, the movement to have the maids wear track jackets was steadily gaining traction. Compared to traditional maid uniforms, track jackets were more comfortable to move around in and had improved functionality, making them popular among the maids. The casual atmosphere was also refreshing to customers, leading to an increase in their favorability.

In any case, the mansion’s maids were spending their days with the enthusiasm to serve and entertain the customers to the best of their ability. Regarding the mask issue, ultimately each maid was allowed to choose freely. Regardless of whether they wore masks or not, the maids did not compromise on their service to the customers and greeted them with smiles and energy.

One day, a customer who visited the mansion was welcomed by maids wearing masks and track jackets. Although surprised by the maids’ new attire, the customer was impressed by their enthusiasm. The customer praised the maids for their efforts to wear masks and provide a comfortable working environment with track jackets, expressing gratitude for their hard work.

track jacket no mask maid




