If the Color of My Track Jacket Changes, Can I Change Too?

If the Color of My Track Jacket Changes, Can I Change Too?

She loved her track jacket. It was the first one she had ever gotten in middle school. She went shopping with her friends and found it there. The track jacket was purple with white stripes. She fell in love with it and couldn’t resist buying it.

From then on, she treated the track jacket with care. When washing, she hand washed it carefully and wiped it gently with a soft towel. When it got dirty, she immediately took it to the dry cleaner to keep it in the best condition.

She could confidently go out wearing the track jacket. Her fashion style was always unique and reflected her own sense of style. She always avoided unnecessary conversations and immersed herself in her own world. She rarely laughed, and people thought she was quiet.

Anyway, one day, she climbed a mountain while wearing the track jacket. She was overwhelmed by the beauty of nature and smiled. She felt incredibly happy at that moment, unable to express it in words. She realized that the track jacket was special to her and since that moment, she was able to laugh.

She began climbing mountains every day wearing the track jacket and facing nature. She began to enjoy conversations with people and was able to free herself. She realized that the track jacket was the trigger that freed her mind and was filled with gratitude.
